Making all the Special Keys Work

(The first attempt) Escape, Mute, Vol Down, Vol Up, Toggle Touchpad, Mic Mute, Webcam Toggle MSI User[?], Keys Backlight, Dim Display, Brighter Display, Multi-Displays, Rotate Screen, Print Screen Out of the box, when I installed Manjaro and made no changes, many but not all of these keys worked. Escape, Volume control, Brightness all worked fine. PRTSC brings up a screen capture utility. The Multi-Displays key brings up a menu to control attached displays. But the rest of the keys were a problem. The Short Answer Let's jump straight to making them work. Create the file /etc/udev/hwdb.d/60-keyboard.hwdb: evdev:atkbd:dmi:bvn*:bvr*:bd*:svnMicro-Star*:pn*Delta*:* KEYBOARD_KEY_76=f21 KEYBOARD_KEY_8e=kbdillumtoggle KEYBOARD_KEY_f2=rotate_display KEYBOARD_KEY_f1=micmute KEYBOARD_KEY_91=screenlock Note that the single space at the beginning of each "KEYBOARD_..." line is critical. Now run "systemd-hwdb update" (may require a "su...